All estates teams know that long-term planning is vital for resilience and effectiveness, but it’s difficult to take time away from managing day-to-day work to see the bigger picture. We can become part of your team, ensuring the long-term success of your estates strategy.

We’re highly experienced at estates planning, whether that’s developing a full infrastructure strategy from scratch, compiling a business case to bring your plan to life, or using data to get to the heart of an issue. We have experts in a range of specialisms, and we can draw on their knowledge as and when needed. We know how the NHS works, and how to ensure your project achieves its clinical, operational and financial goals.


We’re the experts in strategic estates planning, having developed Estates and Asset Management Plans and Strategies for a variety of public and voluntary sector organisations. We understand that you might want to retain the leadership of your strategy, and so we can become an embedded part of your team, seconding individuals to help on specific areas like analysis, or we can work under a brief and provide project management of strategy development as well as undertaking the work.

Many of our people have worked within the NHS and wider public sector themselves so are experts at undertaking stakeholder engagement to ensure that estate strategies are service led, and we can help even where your organisation doesn’t have a clinical or service strategy in place. We are happy to talk to you about your requirements, and develop a bespoke solution based on the challenges that you face. Having been in your shoes, we know that sometimes bringing in help can cause you more work to get a consultant up to speed, and our approach is to work in partnership with you so that we take that hassle away.

When it comes to presenting the finished strategy, we know that governance can be difficult to navigate and Estate Strategies can be complex for non-estates professionals, so we have developed a style of presenting strategies to Boards that are simple, readable and really useful. Given our expertise, we are more than happy to come along to present and answer Board questions if you need it.

Finally, once a strategy is approved it’s essential that you’ve got a plan to implement it – we have great experience in developing Delivery Plans and Milestone Charts, as well as managing and monitoring reports.


Knowing what your options are is only the start. We can conduct feasibility studies and option appraisals so you can make decisions based on hard facts. Often, being close to a project can make it difficult to look at it objectively, so we can provide you with an independent look at the pros and cons of alternative ways of proceeding.

As well as looking at whether a project is realistic to go ahead with, we can also provide advice on the impact your scheme will have on staff, patients and health inequalities, as well as practical considerations such as funding, building downtime and alignment to national and regional strategies.  


If you’re undertaking a large project, you’ll need a business case to access funding, gain approvals and determine your strategic vision. We’re specialists at putting together comprehensive business plans which will get your project off to the best start.

Don’t just take our word for it – eight of our consultants are Better Business Case practitioners, with more working towards it. We’ve been involved with writing business cases across a range of healthcare projects, from building cutting edge integrated care hubs, to emergency service contact centres.

We’re also experienced in the technicalities that many people find daunting – Green Book compliance, coordinating with central NHS for nationally significant projects, and balancing local needs with national strategies. We can give you the confidence you need to get everyone on board, making your concept a reality. 


Data should be at the heart of any decision making, but often the sheer volume of data available can be overwhelming. If you have data sitting idle because you don’t have the expertise or resource to analyse it, we can help.  

We’ve worked with NHS Trusts to analyse the data they collect for ERIC, identifying trends, benchmarking against other similar trusts, and showing where they need to focus their efforts to cut their estates spending.  

We’ve also worked with our sister company Parallel Data Intelligence on data gathering and collation projects, populating and managing toolkits for use in strategy making.  


Our team is made up of experienced estates professionals who have worked at all levels of the public sector and can advise you on policy making, as well as compliance with national and regional strategy.

We can help you create your own policies to align with your estates strategy, or we can give you insight into whether existing policies are fit for purpose. We’re in it for the long haul, so we’ll be there for you through planning right through to delivery.

NHS Property Services:
The purpose-built centre is the first of its kind, and will house primary care, advanced primary care, mental health services, physiotherapy and voluntary and community healthcare support providers, all in one building.
Yorkshire Ambulance Service:
It's vital for Yorkshire Air Ambuland to have a comprehensive, but comprehensible, plan for their estate. That’s why they turned to Community Ventures to provide a full estates strategy.
Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust:
Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust (LCH) were in need of a new home. They had headquarters in Leeds, but their landlord was planning to convert the building into flats, so they needed to find somewhere new.
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Speak to one of our team members about how we can help you develop your strategy.